
Monday, September 16, 2013


All the kids are so excited about Science! They basically BEG me to teach it everday. We are learning about energy and how energy is transferred in a circuit.

Here are some vocabulary words you can use at home:
+energy source

Monday, September 9, 2013

Reflex Math Homework

Students are required to complete, "get a green light," on Reflex Math 3x a week. I will check their usage every Monday to ensure everyone has completed this. It will be the student's responsibilty to be sure they complete this homework assignment. Each student has a "computer day" at school. During the appropriate time, students can go on the computer to complete Reflex if it is their day.

*There may be some nights that students are not coming home with math homework because we did not finish a lesson. If this happens, that would be a great night for your child to go on Reflex Math.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Math Help!

As we implement the Common Core State Standards in both English Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Language) and Math, you may notice that the rigor of your child's homework has increased. The Common Core State Standards require students to explain their thinking. They want students not to just know how to do a math problem, but to understand WHY they are doing it.

Many of you have asked how you can support your student's learning at home. Here is an awesome way you can do that. You can go to LearnZillion is a website that provides teachers and parents with video lessons showing what your student needs to learn in each grade level. The videos include a 3-5 minute "teaching" video and a short "practice" video where students can see if they understand the lesson.

When you open the site, you can type the lesson code into any search bar on the site. The code will bring you directly to the lessons for that unit. The first math unit's code is LZ516.

If you have any questions, as always, feel free to email me!