
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Adventure/ Survival Story Book Clubs

As students move into higher level and more complex texts, they need to recognize some of the different characteristics of these texts. For example, in more complex texts, students may notice that time jumps back and forth, or that many small details come together to develop a character. To support their transition to these types of stories, we are using high interest Adventure/ Survival texts. As a class read aloud I am reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. We are talking about characteristics of adventure/ survival stories to support the students reading of their various books. Each book club group is reading a different adventure/ survival story, and created their own plan for reading and club constitution.

Today we began reading the stories, and students were asked to pay close attention to developing story elements. For example, at the beginning of the book students are typically introduced to the main character, setting, and the problem the main character will face.

Take a  few minutes at home to discuss the adventure/ survival book your child is reading.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Authors' Share Celebration

We have spent the last several weeks developing informative articles on an "expert topic." The students were instructed that an "expert topic" is something that you know lots and lots of information about, but you do not have to research. As a class, we have focused on the structure of a paragraph: main idea and details. Your child should be writing paragraphs that have a main idea, supporting details, and a developed conclusion.

Our authors' share celebration is a time where we celebration the accomplishments of the writers in our class. Students are invited to share either parts of their writing or their whole piece with the class. It is a fun time where students really celebrate all of their hard work. If their informative piece is not completed, they will not take part in the celebration, and will continue to finish their work. Students have known about this celebration for several weeks now, and have been working toward the goal!

You can ask your child to show you their informative article on Google Classroom. I leave comments, and expect students to make revisions based on my comments and suggestions. You can use my comments and suggestions to help guide your conversation about writing with you child. Thank you for all your support at home! It is such an integral part of your child's success!

Below are some of the anchor charts we created to help with informative writing. I will leave these charts up in the classroom all year, because although we will move into narrative writing as our next unit, we will continue to write informative pieces in different subject areas. Students can refer to these charts to jog their memory on what I expect from an informative piece.

WLC Learning Celebration

The Learning Celebration has become an annual tradition here at WLC. It is a time where Mr. Brissette and many other teachers share information about the great things that are happening here at Callahan. You have the opportunity to learn more about all of the curriculum areas including, ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science. You should have seen a sign up sheet come home last week.

I hope to see you all there! Thanks for your continued support!

Thanksgiving Baskets

It's that time of year again! We are looking for donations for the Thanksgiving Baskets WLC gives out every year. In Room 202, we collect canned fruit. Please send these donations in no later than Thursday, November 20th. Monetary donations for the purchase of additional items will be greatly appreciated and will allow us to provide even more for our families in need. If you wish to make a monetary donation, please make checks payable to WLC PTF, Memo: Thanksgiving Baskets.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wow! Google Classroom!

We just started using Google Classroom in Room 202 this week! Be sure to ask your child about it! We can complete assignments, watch videos, and post comments about our classroom activities. I am able to give awesome feedback through this new application, and I am excited about this new technology push in our classroom!

Check out Google Classroom with your child!

Check out how students can watch a screencast of me reviewing a problem, then they can go off on their own an answer a similar question. The best part of using the screencasts is the students can pause and rewind me!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Digging Deeper into Texts

We have spent the first few weeks reading Something Upstairs by award winning author, Avi, as a read aloud in the classroom. This book is a historical fiction text that fits right into the Rhode Island history we teach in 4th grade. I have to say that the students have really taken a liking to this book, and they were sad when we finished reading it! As an integrated Social Studies and ELA lesson, we examined the two points of view on the topic of continuing the space trade through the Port of Providence back in the 1800s. Take a look at one of the class anchor charts we created! I'm so impressed with the deep thinking these students are doing! 

Friday, September 26, 2014

How is it almost October already?

Can't believe it, but we have already been in school for a month. What a great month it has been! Our classroom has been working so hard, and having a good time doing it!

Math: Math rotations have been a great way to keep math interesting, and get students talking using math vocabulary. I am so impressed with the students' ability hold a conversation about a math topic. I can not wait to listen in on math conversations as the year goes on.

Toothpick problem solving!

Science: This week we focused on the biosphere, and how the biosphere is a system. We focused on a woods ecosystem, and learned about food chains and food webs, and how producers, consumers and decomposers work together to keep an ecosystem going.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Chapter Summary - Fiction

Need help with your chapter summary? Remember the format we use in class to summarize Something Upstairs.

Somebody: Main character
Wanted: What does that character want to do?
But: What problem arises?
So: How is the problem resolved?
Then: What will the character do next?

Here is an example from Chapter 5 of Something Upstairs:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Math Workshop

Room 202 has started up Math Workshop! It has proven to be a great experience for the students, teacher, and teacher's assistant. The students move through three math related stations a day: teacher, problem solving, and independent practice. Each station lasts for about 20 minutes, and students get to each station everyday. Working cooperatively at the stations allows the students time to engage in mathematical discussion.

Teacher Station: The students come to the rug with any necessary materials, and take part in a 20 minute lesson. This lesson aligns with our Math curriculum, and where students receive direct instruction.

Problem Solving: At this station, students complete a "Problem of the Week." They have all week to show two different ways to solve the problem, and explain their thinking. When they complete the "Problem of the Week," students have a choice of problem solving activities that are on their level.

Independent Work/ Choice: At this station, students complete independent work and play math games. They sometimes go on Reflex Math to practice their fact fluency.

These are the "Math Towers." This is where students come to find their math related activities for the stations. Each bin contains the necessary materials for each group.

This is a sheet in their Math folder that shows the schedule for each day.

This is the recording sheet that students use to track their completed work. As I said before, 4th grade requires organizational skills, and we work on them throughout the year.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Check out the Homework tab at the top of the page. It has all the information about the homework to be done daily and/or weekly. I try my best to update it daily with homework assignments, and sometimes websites to help with math assignments.

I have checked in with all the students about Internet access. If students are unable to use Reflex Math at home, I have arranged a time for them to complete it before school (when buses arrive) or at dismissal (while students are cleaning/ packing up).

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week Two...Place Value and more!

I can't believe it! Two weeks into the school year already! We have started to dive into the curriculum in ELA, Math, and Social Studies. We are awaiting the arrival of our first science kit, Living Systems!

In Math, we have started to learn more about the place value system. Specifically that everytime you move one place value to the left, the number is 10x larger. For example, a 2 in the ones place is worth 2, but if you move that 2 to the tens place it is worth 20. 2 X 10 = 20, therefore 2 tens is 10x more than 2 ones. Click here to watch a video that explains this concept in greater detail. Below is a picture of the "Status of the Class." At the end of each Math lesson, students are asked to "rate" themselves on how well they understand the learning target. Our learning target for our first math lessons is, "I can recognize that a number in one place value is 10x as much as the place value to the right." The students decide whether they "need help," "can do some of the time," or "are an expert." I noticed that the first day students may not have honestly placed their post-it note, but after a few lessons, they seem to have placed their post-it where they REALLY are in their learning.

Below I have attached some pictures from Open House!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Place Value Games

Here is some websites you can go use to help you practice place value! - for this one you have to be sure to click on "play on computer" or "play on iPad"

Friday, August 29, 2014

Week One

The first week of school is already over, and what a great week it was! Below are pictures of a few of the activities we worked on this week.

Team Building Activity 1: Build the tallest 40 mini-cup structure. The students were challenged to build the tallest  structure using 40 mini-cups. After the activity, we talked about what works and what doesn't work when completing a group challenge.

This was our tallest structure! It measured 66 cm!

Classroom Culture Carousel: On the first day of school, students moved around the room for poster to poster answering questions about how they hope our classroom will run. There were 6 questions:
1. School is important because ____________.
2. Our classroom should be ___________ everyday.
3. What will Miss Groccia need to do to help you to be successful this year?
4. What will YOU need to do to be successful this year?
5. What will students in our classroom need to do to ensure our classroom runs smoothly?
6. What do you hope to learn in 4th grade?

Team Building Activity 2: Save Fred! Students had to work cooperatively to put Fred into the lifesaver, and save him from drowning. The challenge was they could only use the paperclips to touch the boat (cup), Fred (gummy worm), and life preserver (Lifesaver). 

The students also learned and reflect on the rules and procedures of our classroom. We also set goals for our year in 4th grade!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sneak Peek!

Here are some picture of our 4th grade classroom! I have not finished getting everything ready for the first day of school, but our classroom is getting there. You can comment below to tell me what you like about our classroom, and some things you hope to see.

As you can see, we sit in groups in Room 202. There are five groups with five students in each group. Can you figure out how many kids are in our class? 

In the back corner, we have our math centers area. Here is where all of the math supplies are located. Can you think of any math supplies we'll be using in 4th grade?

Along the back wall are 6 classroom computers. We will use technology a lot in Room 202! 

In the front corner is our classroom library. What kinds of books do you hope to find in the library?

Reflex Math

Not only should you be continuing to read over the summer, but it is super important to keep up with your math facts! Reflex Math is a fun and easy way to do this. Remember: For Reflex Math to be effective, you need to get THREE "green lights" per week. Even if you are someone who has achieved 100% fluency or close to it, you SHOULD STILL BE GOING ON TO REFLEX MATH! You will lose your fluency if you do not keep up with Reflex Math over the summer.

At the very beginning of 4th grade, we will set goals for our multiplication/ division fluency, as well as, addition/ subtraction fluency for those who need it. Get ready because Reflex Math 3x a week is a weekly homework assignment in Room 202!

 I hope you tried your best to keep up with Reflex Math over the summer. If you were able to, don't forget to bring in your Reflex Math assignment sheet. I have attached a link to the summer assignment sheet below.

Reflex Math Summer Assignment

*Please note that the Reflex Math summer assignment was handed out at the end of the school last year by your child's 3rd grade teacher. There are no negative consequences for not completing this assignment because I do understand that not everyone has access to the Internet.*

Friday, August 15, 2014

Only a few more weeks

Only a few more weeks, and we will be starting an exciting year in 4th grade. By now you all should have received a letter from me with information for the first few days, summer reading, and supply lists. If you have not received this letter, e-mail me at, and I will pass along the information. Here is the link to the supply list for our classroom. All of these supplies will help with organization, classroom lessons and assignments.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the summer reading responses I have received. There have even been several students who have responded to all FIVE prompts. That is incredible! In all of the responses, I saw some positive writing traits, and I cannot wait to get started writing for the year!

Stay tuned for a classroom schedule, special schedule, and classroom pictures early next week!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

It's August "Eve" and the Classroom Setup Begins

Guess who forgot to leave the custodians a map of the room so they could set it up after waxing and cleaning?

......this girl!

If there is no setup map, they leave all the furniture in the middle of the room. Good thing I was planning on switching up some stuff this year. Now I'll be able to move some stuff around pretty easily. Here is a picture of the room before any organizing or setting up.

Be on the lookout for updates on our classroom, as well as, our classroom schedule!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I have been enjoying reading  your summer reading responses over the past few days. A few more students have responded to tell about their plans for the summer, and how they are going to fit reading into those plans. I heard from a few of you that you'll be spending some time down at the beach, and that you'll be doing some reading while you are there. That is exactly what I able to do last week! I spent some time reading my "just for fun" books, and I was able to finish one. Now it is on to reading a bit about teaching Math.

A few of you have shared a bit of information about the types of books you have been reading so far this summer. Here is what I heard from a few of you...

 "...The reason why I chose a lot of fiction books and especially The Tiger Rising was because The Tiger Rising looked like a really interesting book and when I read the title I asked myself I wonder what that means?"

This is just a small piece of a longer response. As a teacher, I really liked how this student reflected on why they chose to read a certain book.

I hope you are all enjoying your summer!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Back to School 2014 - 2015

So it has started...the BACK TO SCHOOL commercials. When I see them start to pop up, I always start thinking about what I need to buy to the supply our 4th grade classroom for the upcoming school year. I love to shop when stuff is on sale, so starting early helps me do that. This year as a class we are going to focus A LOT on the goals of the learners in the room. I have decided to link up with Fifth in the Middle and  I {heart} RECESS for a Back to School Goals Linky.


It is never too early to start setting goals. Set goals for your summer Reflex Math assignment & Summer Reading. One of the Summer Reading prompts is all about your goals for accomplishing the task.

If you have any questions about Reflex and/or Summer Reading, please e-mail me,

Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Reading

Wow! A few of you have already started to respond to the prompts. I am super impressed with your excitement for keeping up with your reading over the summer. In the responses I received, I heard all about students' plans for summer reading. One student said they plan to read in the car when heading out on long car trips! What a great idea!

Let me tell you all a little bit about my summer reading plans. I have not started reading yet! Over the past two days, I have been preparing for the first few units of math for next year. Tuesday, June 24th will be my first real day of summer vacation, and I plan on spending it by the pool reading. I have so many titles on my list of books to read this summer. Some books I plan on reading are RICBA award nominees for 2015, some professional books about teaching, and some are just for fun books.

Be sure to stop by the blog throughout the summer! I will be updating with my summer reading, sharing some thoughts from your responses, and keeping you up-to-date on anything you may need to know for our exciting 2014-2015 4th grade school year. You can also take a look on the right-hand side of the blog. There you will find some fun and educational websites.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Partial Quotients

Questions about Partial Quotients? Check out this video!

1. Go to

2. Click "I have a Quick Code" in the top right corner

3. Enter the code: LZ28

4. Enjoy the video!

Does your child need more division practice? They can check out this game: Quotient Cafe

Friday, March 7, 2014

Erosion & Deposition

Over the past two weeks, we have been learning about erosion and deposition. To help the students visualize this concept, they have been building stream-tables. Through inquiry, students have learned that erosion and deposition slowly change the shape of our Earth, unless flood conditions are introduced. When students built a stream-table and introduced flood conditions, they saw that the shape of our Earth rapidly changes.

Today the students posed an investigation question, predicted what would happen, designed their stream-table to help them to investigate the question. After designing the table, the kids ran water through their stream-tables and recorded their results that answer the investigation question they made up. Below you will find picture of the different stream table setups.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Wrestlemania Reading Challenge

I know that a bunch of kids in the class love wrestling. Here is an incentive for them to read! There are even free books!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Story Elements & Writing Contest!

In the 4th grade curriculum, students are required to use specific details from a fictional story to describe in-depth a character, setting and events(CCSS 4.RL.). In order to describe in-depth, students need to have a deep understanding of these story elements, and how the elements help to develop a story. Students are also required to write stories using clear sequence of events and descriptive details (CCSS W.4.3). What better way to combine these two standards (along with several other Speaking & Listening and Language standards) than to have a contest?!

This is where Scholastic, and famous authors Dav Pilkey and Jeff Kinney come in! is sponsoring a contest for students to finish a story mash-up that Pilkey and Kinney started. Here is the link for the contest:

Link to materials:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year

I can't believe it is already January, and we are almost half-way through the year! In an effort to involve the parents in the credit/debit behavior system we use in our classroom, I have started to use ClassDojo.

Your child has probably showed you a paper with a code for you to sign up for the parent reports. I highly recommend signing up. You will be able to check your child's behavior at any time.  For example at 10:30 a.m. you could login to ClassDojo, and see how your child's day going. I also think it is a great way to start conversation about how your child's school day was. When I was a kid and my parents asked me how my day was, my usual answer was "good." Hopefully ClassDojo will allow you to point out parts of the day where he or she was doing well or had some difficulty and hopefully get them to elaborate on it.

As always feel free to e-mail me with any questions.

ClassDojo Parent 101