
Friday, August 29, 2014

Week One

The first week of school is already over, and what a great week it was! Below are pictures of a few of the activities we worked on this week.

Team Building Activity 1: Build the tallest 40 mini-cup structure. The students were challenged to build the tallest  structure using 40 mini-cups. After the activity, we talked about what works and what doesn't work when completing a group challenge.

This was our tallest structure! It measured 66 cm!

Classroom Culture Carousel: On the first day of school, students moved around the room for poster to poster answering questions about how they hope our classroom will run. There were 6 questions:
1. School is important because ____________.
2. Our classroom should be ___________ everyday.
3. What will Miss Groccia need to do to help you to be successful this year?
4. What will YOU need to do to be successful this year?
5. What will students in our classroom need to do to ensure our classroom runs smoothly?
6. What do you hope to learn in 4th grade?

Team Building Activity 2: Save Fred! Students had to work cooperatively to put Fred into the lifesaver, and save him from drowning. The challenge was they could only use the paperclips to touch the boat (cup), Fred (gummy worm), and life preserver (Lifesaver). 

The students also learned and reflect on the rules and procedures of our classroom. We also set goals for our year in 4th grade!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sneak Peek!

Here are some picture of our 4th grade classroom! I have not finished getting everything ready for the first day of school, but our classroom is getting there. You can comment below to tell me what you like about our classroom, and some things you hope to see.

As you can see, we sit in groups in Room 202. There are five groups with five students in each group. Can you figure out how many kids are in our class? 

In the back corner, we have our math centers area. Here is where all of the math supplies are located. Can you think of any math supplies we'll be using in 4th grade?

Along the back wall are 6 classroom computers. We will use technology a lot in Room 202! 

In the front corner is our classroom library. What kinds of books do you hope to find in the library?

Reflex Math

Not only should you be continuing to read over the summer, but it is super important to keep up with your math facts! Reflex Math is a fun and easy way to do this. Remember: For Reflex Math to be effective, you need to get THREE "green lights" per week. Even if you are someone who has achieved 100% fluency or close to it, you SHOULD STILL BE GOING ON TO REFLEX MATH! You will lose your fluency if you do not keep up with Reflex Math over the summer.

At the very beginning of 4th grade, we will set goals for our multiplication/ division fluency, as well as, addition/ subtraction fluency for those who need it. Get ready because Reflex Math 3x a week is a weekly homework assignment in Room 202!

 I hope you tried your best to keep up with Reflex Math over the summer. If you were able to, don't forget to bring in your Reflex Math assignment sheet. I have attached a link to the summer assignment sheet below.

Reflex Math Summer Assignment

*Please note that the Reflex Math summer assignment was handed out at the end of the school last year by your child's 3rd grade teacher. There are no negative consequences for not completing this assignment because I do understand that not everyone has access to the Internet.*

Friday, August 15, 2014

Only a few more weeks

Only a few more weeks, and we will be starting an exciting year in 4th grade. By now you all should have received a letter from me with information for the first few days, summer reading, and supply lists. If you have not received this letter, e-mail me at, and I will pass along the information. Here is the link to the supply list for our classroom. All of these supplies will help with organization, classroom lessons and assignments.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the summer reading responses I have received. There have even been several students who have responded to all FIVE prompts. That is incredible! In all of the responses, I saw some positive writing traits, and I cannot wait to get started writing for the year!

Stay tuned for a classroom schedule, special schedule, and classroom pictures early next week!