Room 202 has started up Math Workshop! It has proven to be a great experience for the students, teacher, and teacher's assistant. The students move through three math related stations a day: teacher, problem solving, and independent practice. Each station lasts for about 20 minutes, and students get to each station everyday. Working cooperatively at the stations allows the students time to engage in mathematical discussion.
Teacher Station: The students come to the rug with any necessary materials, and take part in a 20 minute lesson. This lesson aligns with our Math curriculum, and where students receive direct instruction.
Problem Solving: At this station, students complete a "Problem of the Week." They have all week to show two different ways to solve the problem, and explain their thinking. When they complete the "Problem of the Week," students have a choice of problem solving activities that are on their level.
Independent Work/ Choice: At this station, students complete independent work and play math games. They sometimes go on Reflex Math to practice their fact fluency.
These are the "Math Towers." This is where students come to find their math related activities for the stations. Each bin contains the necessary materials for each group.
This is a sheet in their Math folder that shows the schedule for each day.
This is the recording sheet that students use to track their completed work. As I said before, 4th grade requires organizational skills, and we work on them throughout the year.