
Monday, December 16, 2013

Chapter Summary and Reflex Math

Due to Winter Break, I am not requiring students to complete Reflex Math and a chapter summary this week. There are several students who "owe" me Reflex or a summary from last week, and they are being asked to complete it. If you would like to know if your child owes either a summary or Reflex, you can e-mail me:

Gingerbread House

We will be decorating gingerbread houses this Friday! Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, we will be building the gingerbread house using icing "glue" and graham crackers. I will be supplying the materials for this part of the gingerbread house. I am asking for your help with the candy to decorate with. If you would like to send in small candies to make our houses, please do so by Friday!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Report Cards

Just a quick reminder that report cards will be sent home on Friday, December 13, 2013.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Writing in Science

Writing does not only happen in English Language Arts. This year we have spent a lot of time writing in all subjects including: Math, Social Studies, Health & Science. This week in Science we focused on the difference between series and parallel circuits. Today wrote a Compare & Contrast essay on the similarities and differences between the two types of circuits.

We first put together a graphic organizer that helped to organize the information the students learned from the Science investigations we completed this week. Instead of using the traditional Venn diagram, we used a "Box and T Chart." The kids really liked this organizer because they said, "Miss Groccia there is so much more room to fit my writing."

After completing the organizer, we used Compare & Contrast sentence frames to help shape our two paragraph essay. I expect the students to be using transitions and varying sentence structure by the end of the year so at the beginning of the year I like to do a lot of modeling for this type of writing. 

When we had filled in the sentence frames, I had the students talk through their essays with a partner. This way all the students had a chance to talk about their thoughts before getting it out on paper. I encouraged the kids to use the sentences frames as a guide, but to also use their own words. Finally, the kids were ready to write in their Science Notebook. I removed the colored cards with the answers, and just left the sentence frames for the students to use

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Holiday Math Fact Game

Just in time for the holidays I found a Math Fact practice game with a holiday theme. The kids were super excited about it so I told them I would post it here.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Room 202 would like to extend a HUGE congratulations to the Burrillville Patriots Pee Wee team for winning the Superbowl this past Sunday. There are several members of our current class and my former class who are a part of the team, and this is such an exciting win for them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Classroom Data

This year I am making an effort to have the students more involved with the data collection and recording of their work. One way we are doing this is by using a classroom data wall. On this wall, we are keeping track of the students' progress on Reflex Math. By the end of fourth grade, I would like to see everyone at over 90% fluency. If you take a look at the picture below, you will notice that over 90% fluency is the green rectangle. Every two weeks, I will check in with the students on their progress, and they will move their numbered sticky note accordingly. In order to maintain each student's privacy, they have randomly chosen the number that identifies them on the data wall.

The students are also keeping track of their progress in Math Computation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and Reading Comprehension in their "Data Folder." Within the next few weeks, I will be sharing  how we keep track of our progress and reflect on the results.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rounding on a Vertical Number Line

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ask for students to show a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. In the past, teachers have taught step-by-step instructions on "how to round a number." Over the next few days in Room 202, we will be rounding on a vertical number line to show exactly why those steps for "how to round a number" work.

This video, Rounding on a Vertical Numberline, explains how to use the vertical number line when rounding. Stay tuned within the next few days for a video of students teaching this concept!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Reading Homework

As you know, students have been required to do nightly reading. You have been signing off on their reading as well. In an effort to check in with the students, I am going to have them write a summary of a chapter in their book AT LEAST once a week. That summary will be completed on the Kid Blog. If students do not have Internet access, they can complete the summary on the back of their Reading Log.

I am strongly encouraging all students to blog their summary because they need to become accustomed with typing online. The new state testing will be on the computer so they need as many opportunities to type on the computer as they can get.

Below I have listed the steps to post a blog on the Kid Blog:.


I have attached a link for you to open the reading log that was sent home with students.

Reading Log

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Math - Finding the Midpoint

Today in Math,  we worked on connecting comparing numbers (Common Core State Standard (CCSS): 4.NBT.2) to rounding numbers (CCSS: 4.NBT.3). We did this by using a vertical number line help us find the midpoint of two numbers. Practicing this skill in isolation lays the foundation to conceptually understand rounding on a vertical number number line.


Nature's Classroom

Just a reminder that Nature's Classroom deposits are due by November 7th. When bringing in the $100 deposit you must also fill out the packet that came home with your child.

Typical Day at Nature's Classroom

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Engaging Reading Activity

 "Jump in and Read!" The kids absolutely love it! It keeps all the students engaged and focused on the reading because they want to be the next  child to jump in and read.

I typically use this activity after we have read the text once.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Non-Fiction Reading

The Common Core State Standards have a huge focus on Informational Text. In an effort to emphasize strategies for reading non-fiction text, I have implemented some new activities in Social Studies.

The first student-led activity is called "Keep it or Junk It?" The kids read and re-read a text with a focus question in mind. During the second reading, they circle key words that they would need to answer the focus question. Groups then work together to come up with a list of key words. They write those words on a piece of construction paper. Each group chooses two members to lead the classroom discussion. From there, the class either will keep, junk or cloud a word based on classroom discussion.

Pajama Day

Hooray! We finally earned all of the letters for "Respectful!"

Over the past two months, we have been learning what “Respectful” looks and sounds like in the classroom. Each day the class showed respect all day long, they earned a letter. Last week, we earned the completed word, “Respectful.” As a class, we decided that a fun reward for earning all the letters would be to have a classroom Pajama Day. This Friday, November 1, 2013 will be our classroom Pajama Day. Please no stuffed animals.

Monday, September 16, 2013


All the kids are so excited about Science! They basically BEG me to teach it everday. We are learning about energy and how energy is transferred in a circuit.

Here are some vocabulary words you can use at home:
+energy source

Monday, September 9, 2013

Reflex Math Homework

Students are required to complete, "get a green light," on Reflex Math 3x a week. I will check their usage every Monday to ensure everyone has completed this. It will be the student's responsibilty to be sure they complete this homework assignment. Each student has a "computer day" at school. During the appropriate time, students can go on the computer to complete Reflex if it is their day.

*There may be some nights that students are not coming home with math homework because we did not finish a lesson. If this happens, that would be a great night for your child to go on Reflex Math.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Math Help!

As we implement the Common Core State Standards in both English Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Language) and Math, you may notice that the rigor of your child's homework has increased. The Common Core State Standards require students to explain their thinking. They want students not to just know how to do a math problem, but to understand WHY they are doing it.

Many of you have asked how you can support your student's learning at home. Here is an awesome way you can do that. You can go to LearnZillion is a website that provides teachers and parents with video lessons showing what your student needs to learn in each grade level. The videos include a 3-5 minute "teaching" video and a short "practice" video where students can see if they understand the lesson.

When you open the site, you can type the lesson code into any search bar on the site. The code will bring you directly to the lessons for that unit. The first math unit's code is LZ516.

If you have any questions, as always, feel free to email me!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome Back!

The first day of school is almost here! The classroom is ready to go, and I am ready to start making some 4th grade memories.

 I have many engaging activities planned for the next few days. They will get us ready for all the things that will be happening in the 4th grade. There is lots of group work that happens throughout the year; so I spend a majority of the time the first few days teaching the kids how to work well in a group. It is also a time to build our classroom community so that all students feel safe and comfortable to share their thoughts.

Be ready for lots of paperwork to come home with your child. Some of the forms (white envelope) are from the main office, and the others (manila envelope) are from me. Please go through all of these forms with your child, and return to me by Tuesday, September 3, 2013.

I am looking forward to a truly exciting year!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Classroom Setup

I was able to get into school today to bring in some of the supplies I picked up over the summer. I started unpacking and hanging things up. Here's a sneak peak....

 I love filling the walls of the classroom with student work. As the year goes on, there will be more and more student work displayed in the classroom!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Reflex Math

Don't forget to keep up with your Reflex Math assignment! Reflex Math will help you to maintain your math facts over the summer. Knowing your facts is SUPER important in the 4th grade! By completing your Reflex Math assignment, you will be coming to school reading to learn.

Need a copy of the packet? Click Here -----> Reflex Math Summer Assignment

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back to School Supplies 2013

The end of July is closing in on us, and all the major stores are already selling "Back to School" supplies. I have attached the supply list that was enclosed in the letter sent home to all the families. If you have any questions and/ or concerns feel free to e-mail me:

Here is a copy of the supply letter...

Dear Families –  

            As a fourth grade team, we work very hard to instill strong organizational habits for our students.  We would like each student to have roughly the same supplies so that organization lessons and long-term projects will go more smoothly.   

Please keep the following items in mind when you do your back-to-school shopping: 

¨       Backpack – one that will fit into a student’s locker.  Backpacks with wheels are too large and will not fit inside a locker

¨       4 separate 1-subject notebooks (please do not purchase a 5-subject notebook)

¨      2 marble composition notebooks (for Reading & Writing journals)

¨       1 to 2 boxes of #2 pencils

¨       1 box of colored pencils

¨       1 whiteboard (dry erase) marker set (with eraser or sock for erasing)

¨       5 two-pocket folders (Math, Reading, Writing, Homework and Science/Social Studies)

¨       1 to 2 glue sticks

¨       1 pair of scissors

¨       1 box of crayons

¨       1 hand held pencil sharpener

¨       1 highlighter

¨       A student dictionary for home use

Optional donations to the classroom:  These are special items that help keep the classroom healthy and germ-free.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

¨       Box of Kleenex

¨       Small bottle of hand sanitizer 

Thanks for your help with all these items.  Have a great summer.  If you have any questions about the list, please feel free to send me an email at See you in the fall. 


Miss Groccia

All students will receive an assignment pad supplied by the PTO