
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Reflex Math

Don't forget to keep up with your Reflex Math assignment! Reflex Math will help you to maintain your math facts over the summer. Knowing your facts is SUPER important in the 4th grade! By completing your Reflex Math assignment, you will be coming to school reading to learn.

Need a copy of the packet? Click Here -----> Reflex Math Summer Assignment

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back to School Supplies 2013

The end of July is closing in on us, and all the major stores are already selling "Back to School" supplies. I have attached the supply list that was enclosed in the letter sent home to all the families. If you have any questions and/ or concerns feel free to e-mail me:

Here is a copy of the supply letter...

Dear Families –  

            As a fourth grade team, we work very hard to instill strong organizational habits for our students.  We would like each student to have roughly the same supplies so that organization lessons and long-term projects will go more smoothly.   

Please keep the following items in mind when you do your back-to-school shopping: 

¨       Backpack – one that will fit into a student’s locker.  Backpacks with wheels are too large and will not fit inside a locker

¨       4 separate 1-subject notebooks (please do not purchase a 5-subject notebook)

¨      2 marble composition notebooks (for Reading & Writing journals)

¨       1 to 2 boxes of #2 pencils

¨       1 box of colored pencils

¨       1 whiteboard (dry erase) marker set (with eraser or sock for erasing)

¨       5 two-pocket folders (Math, Reading, Writing, Homework and Science/Social Studies)

¨       1 to 2 glue sticks

¨       1 pair of scissors

¨       1 box of crayons

¨       1 hand held pencil sharpener

¨       1 highlighter

¨       A student dictionary for home use

Optional donations to the classroom:  These are special items that help keep the classroom healthy and germ-free.  Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

¨       Box of Kleenex

¨       Small bottle of hand sanitizer 

Thanks for your help with all these items.  Have a great summer.  If you have any questions about the list, please feel free to send me an email at See you in the fall. 


Miss Groccia

All students will receive an assignment pad supplied by the PTO