
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome Back!

The first day of school is almost here! The classroom is ready to go, and I am ready to start making some 4th grade memories.

 I have many engaging activities planned for the next few days. They will get us ready for all the things that will be happening in the 4th grade. There is lots of group work that happens throughout the year; so I spend a majority of the time the first few days teaching the kids how to work well in a group. It is also a time to build our classroom community so that all students feel safe and comfortable to share their thoughts.

Be ready for lots of paperwork to come home with your child. Some of the forms (white envelope) are from the main office, and the others (manila envelope) are from me. Please go through all of these forms with your child, and return to me by Tuesday, September 3, 2013.

I am looking forward to a truly exciting year!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Classroom Setup

I was able to get into school today to bring in some of the supplies I picked up over the summer. I started unpacking and hanging things up. Here's a sneak peak....

 I love filling the walls of the classroom with student work. As the year goes on, there will be more and more student work displayed in the classroom!