
Friday, June 20, 2014

Summer Reading

Wow! A few of you have already started to respond to the prompts. I am super impressed with your excitement for keeping up with your reading over the summer. In the responses I received, I heard all about students' plans for summer reading. One student said they plan to read in the car when heading out on long car trips! What a great idea!

Let me tell you all a little bit about my summer reading plans. I have not started reading yet! Over the past two days, I have been preparing for the first few units of math for next year. Tuesday, June 24th will be my first real day of summer vacation, and I plan on spending it by the pool reading. I have so many titles on my list of books to read this summer. Some books I plan on reading are RICBA award nominees for 2015, some professional books about teaching, and some are just for fun books.

Be sure to stop by the blog throughout the summer! I will be updating with my summer reading, sharing some thoughts from your responses, and keeping you up-to-date on anything you may need to know for our exciting 2014-2015 4th grade school year. You can also take a look on the right-hand side of the blog. There you will find some fun and educational websites.
