
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Math - Finding the Midpoint

Today in Math,  we worked on connecting comparing numbers (Common Core State Standard (CCSS): 4.NBT.2) to rounding numbers (CCSS: 4.NBT.3). We did this by using a vertical number line help us find the midpoint of two numbers. Practicing this skill in isolation lays the foundation to conceptually understand rounding on a vertical number number line.


Nature's Classroom

Just a reminder that Nature's Classroom deposits are due by November 7th. When bringing in the $100 deposit you must also fill out the packet that came home with your child.

Typical Day at Nature's Classroom

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Engaging Reading Activity

 "Jump in and Read!" The kids absolutely love it! It keeps all the students engaged and focused on the reading because they want to be the next  child to jump in and read.

I typically use this activity after we have read the text once.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Non-Fiction Reading

The Common Core State Standards have a huge focus on Informational Text. In an effort to emphasize strategies for reading non-fiction text, I have implemented some new activities in Social Studies.

The first student-led activity is called "Keep it or Junk It?" The kids read and re-read a text with a focus question in mind. During the second reading, they circle key words that they would need to answer the focus question. Groups then work together to come up with a list of key words. They write those words on a piece of construction paper. Each group chooses two members to lead the classroom discussion. From there, the class either will keep, junk or cloud a word based on classroom discussion.

Pajama Day

Hooray! We finally earned all of the letters for "Respectful!"

Over the past two months, we have been learning what “Respectful” looks and sounds like in the classroom. Each day the class showed respect all day long, they earned a letter. Last week, we earned the completed word, “Respectful.” As a class, we decided that a fun reward for earning all the letters would be to have a classroom Pajama Day. This Friday, November 1, 2013 will be our classroom Pajama Day. Please no stuffed animals.